Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Another birthday boy in Ramadhan

On 08-09-09, Alang reached the age of 11, another birthday celebrated in Ramadhan after Along. Mama cooked curry mee and bought a cake. May Allah blessed you forever; Papa and Mama wished you to be a good Muslim.

Cutting the cake; 'Iffah and Hasif patiently waiting

Break the fast with a piece of cake ok!

Mmmm..yummy...curry mee

Along and Angah just came back from school not to be left out cheering for Alang


  1. Happy besday for Alang n belated for Along...semoga di panjangkan umur n di murahkan rezeki....
    from:uncle nize,untie iza n asy...

    dapat hadiah apa dari papa n mama...hehehe

  2. happy besday for Alang n belated 4 Along..semoga di panjangkan umur n di murahkan rezeki....
    from: uncle nize,untie iza n asy

    Dapat hadiah apa dari papa n mama? :)

  3. happy belated bday alang. U too be a good Muslim and take care of ur lovely family. Study hard and dont ponteng puasa...

  4. Happy Best Day Alang... Semoga menjadi anak yang Soleh... Aminnn

  5. Terima kasih semua...semoga Allah makbulkan doa kalian..

    Aunty Iza, mama hadiahkan kek jer..ahaks

    Q, Busu beraya di Sabah jer, mailah datang ke rumah


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