Hi! Remember? In the last post I mentioned about the match of winter carnival....Unfortunately Bentley Primary School lost the game but they won the netball. Syarafi who played hockey won only one match out of five. Zarif and his socccer team won 2 matches, draw two matches and lost one match. They look dissappointed but they were having fun out there. The way they told the story of their game seemed that they enjoyed it and full of satisfaction....yeahhh..this was the first time they played for their school.
This week is the last school week for this term. Next week the children will start their two weeks winter holiday. So, many events are planned this week by the schools. This afternoon, Iffah's class organised the Garden Party. The children baked the cakes together and the pre-primary students who were invited to the party also contributed the cookies. There were children dancing, poem performance, group activities and foods of course. One good thing about these people, they concern about the Muslim halal food. I will post the pictures of this event in the next post together with Hasif's class Lunch Picnic which will be held on this Friday.
After attending Iffah's Garden Party I went to Kent Street Senior High School to get the Performance report of Afiq (in Malaysia we call it Report Day). They also arranged the individual interview between teachers and parents. Alhamdulillah, eventhough Afiq has been here for only four months but he has shown encouraging improvement.The teachers also commended on his well behaviour and polite attitude. He got first in French class, excellente! He needs to improve though to put away his shyness and ask questions when he does not understand! That the advise from his math's teacher.
Dah mengantuklah pulak, yang lain semua dah tidur, musim sejuk ni malamnya panjang, Isya' pun awal pukul 6.50 dah masuk waktu, jadi mengantuknya pun cepat, tidur dulu ya nanti sambung lagi.
Hello 2018
Akhirnya tahun 2018 menjelma. Kalau sebelum ni kita digembar gemburkan
dengan fiksyen tahun 2020. Agak2nya sama tak dengan imaginasi kita setakat
nie.. He...
7 years ago
i ve started to follow your lead. come and visit the new blog for BKK - lamanbkk.blogspot.com