Monday, May 12, 2008

New Life Begin.....

Lega sebenarnya dah dapat rumah....sebab sekarang ni agak susah nak dapat rumah sewa. All my friends were surprised that we got the house after 3days we arrived, because some of them had to wait for several weeks, even months to get house. In addition, the rental here is expensive. Actually, Perth is in crisis of house rental. To buy a house also very expensive, the range of house rate is between 400.000 - 500,000++ dollar and apartment more than 200,000 dollar, want to buy one?

This house we rent is bigger than our house in Malaysia, its called bungalow here. There are four rooms and the master bedroom has a suite, one hall, one dining hall, kitchen that well equipped with wall to wall cabinet, laundry area and a car porch (kami takda kereta pun...). It is fully furnished and comfortable enough for us.

Di hadapan rumah kami sebelum ke sekolah, uniform baju hijau

My eldest son, Afiq is enrolled at Kent Street Senior High School in year 8. He has to go by bus on his own. At first I was worried to let him go because he never ride on bus before. So, before start schooling, my husband and I trained him. Kami bawa dia naik bas dan tunjukkan where exactly he has to push the bell and how to get to school safely. Luckily, after the registration, the Deputy Principal informed that there is a special bus that pick the student from our house to school and from school to home, it sounds better!! And my other children entered Bentley Primary School which is about 15 minutes walk from home. The school start at 8.55 a.m. and finished at 3.05p.m.

Sekolah kat sini kena jagalah dari segi makanan. At schools, the canteen not providing halal food. So I have to prepare their lunches. They have two recess, for the first recess they eat fruit, usually apple, and the second recess they eat their lunch. Kat sini they are quite particular of what your children eat, so I have to prepare healthy food, most of the time bread, salad or potato. Once a while i cooked them nasi goreng...

Alhamdulillah, tak susah nak dapat ayam atau daging halal, sebab ada halal butcher, makanan lainpun senang sebab banyak juga produk Malaysia dijual especially kat oriental shop. Jadi masih boleh nak makan nasi lemak, briani, kari, kurma.....tak misslah masakan Malaysia!

After a week we were here, we got the invitation to attend the BBQ meeting with the people from embassy. They wanted to meet with the new students, undergraduates and postgraduates. It was not a formal meeting but more to makan2. We gathered at Burswood Park. Ramai gak yang datang termasuk students yang dah lama kat sini. We got to know more Malaysians. The most exciting part when we sang Negaraku, all the mat saleh looking at us and deep inside I feel proud of my country.

At Burswood Park , jom makan....

With friends, Razak & Kak Lin..

Rehat sekejap...

Look at the gooses....

After weeks of being housewife, I tried to search for a job, to support the expenses, cannot depends on the allowance only. Furthermore, I have intention to take certificate in Counseling and i need money for that. Unfortunately most of the jobs required own car, and to work as cleaner, the job start as early as 3 o'clock in the morning. I can't afford that because I have to prepare breakfast and lunch for my kids and I don't have car. I applied to work at halal butcher, and during the school holiday, the taukeh called me, I got the job......but how's my kids? I can't just left them and go for work, so, I asked the taukeh to start after school holidays, she hesitated, and said its difficult if I can't work during school holidays, and she said if she get another worker by then, I have to ceased the opportunity. Well, my children are more important surely, no regrets..

Ok, I want to send my kids to school, see ya later....

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